How to Improve a Thin Endometrium Naturally

Why is the Uterine Lining Important?

The uterine lining, aka endometrium, is a unique and incredible environment not found anywhere else in the human body. Every month as part of the menstrual cycle, a cycling woman’s body prepares the endometrium for possible implantation of an embryo. The thickness of the endometrium increases and decreases during the cycle in response to two hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

At mid-cycle, around ovulation, the endometrium should reach about 8-11 mm thick and have a three layered appearance when viewed with a pelvic ultrasound. The appropriate thickness and quality of the lining ensures an embryo can burrow in and establish a viable pregnancy. Even a thin lining has a better chance for a successful embryo implantation when the quality of the lining is adequate to host an embryo. In a regular cycle, if no pregnancy has been established, the lining sloughs off- a process known as a menstrual period.

More attention is being paid to this complex environment inside the uterus as a possible key to unexplained infertility, failed IVF and recurrent miscarriage. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or using IVF or IUI, Eastern Medicine has a lot to offer in helping women improve the quality and thickness of their uterine lining.

Not everyone with these symptoms has a thin lining. Some symptoms of a thin uterine lining include:

  • Light or scanty menstrual flow.

  • Clots in your menstrual flow.

  • A dark purple menstrual flow.

  • Painful periods.

Some causes of a thin lining can be

  • Scarring or structural issues in the uterus,

  • A diet too low in iron

  • A diet too low in protein

  • Poor circulation to the reproductive organs.

If you are wondering if you may have an issue with your uterine lining, ask your reproductive endocrinologist for an evaluation. To learn more about how you can use natural medicine to improve the quality and thickness of your lining, read on about using the four pillars of Eastern Medicine to optimise your uterine lining and fertile health.

Pillar One: Acupuncture

Proven to deliver an abundance of nutritious blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, acupuncture is a safe and effective tool to help promote a healthy uterine lining and may also help egg quality. Acupuncture also improves stress resilience, key when trying to conceive. It s recommended to have acupuncture once a week.

Pillar Two: Herbal Medicine

There are several herbs and herbal formulas that are renown for helping to enhance the thickness of the uterine lining. Rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach to taking botanicals, get more effective and quicker results when you see an acupuncturist who specialises in fertility. They will seek to understand why your body is making a thin lining and then work to correct that imbalance. For example, there may be underlying stagnation that needs to be cleared, the quality of blood in general could be sludgy and needing to be improved, there could be an underlying deficiency of yang, yin or a simple blood deficiency. Getting to the root cause is vital to resolution and the restoration of balance.

Supplements to Consider:

  • L. Arginine- An amino acid helpful to building the endometrium, particularly for vegetarians.

  • Vitamin E- This vitamin plays a role in the formation and maintenance of the placenta.

  • Iron- Important for building necessary red blood cells when eating a plant based diet.

  • Digestive enzymes- Useful to break down iron, fats and protein to be utilized in endometrium.

  • Fish Oil- Anti-inflammatory agent and promotes microcirculation.

  • Curcumin- The active component of turmeric aids circulation -stop taking once pregnant.

Pillar Three: Nutrition

Diet plays an enormous role in your overall healthy and fertility. Specifically, diet has a big impact on the quality and thickness of your uterine lining, egg quality and reduction of inflammation. Below are some foods that will help you build a beautiful, thick uterine lining.

  • Focus in general on a whole foods diet- avoid packaged, processed foods.

  • Choose warm and cooked foods such as soups, stews and teas instead of cold, raw foods like salads, smoothies and iced beverages. Small amounts of raw foods like fruits are ok.

  • Consume 1-3 servings of protein per day. Ideally pasture raised eggs, meat of poultry, or wild caught fish. Otherwise, be sure to get adequate vegetarian sources of protein.

  • Chlorophyll-rich vegetables such as dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, chard, and green cabbage, asparagus, parsley, alfalfa and broccoli.

  • Enjoy dark berries; cherries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries. They will provide antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that enrich the blood.

  • Include plenty of healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.

  • Bone broth is a “super-food”. Besides supporting Kidney energy that rules reproduction, bone broth is a deeply healing traditional food that restores our Qi and enriches Blood.

  • Hydrate! It is essential to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Pillar Four: Lifestyle

Some simple at-home strategies can help you connect more to your body and it’s rhythms, feel more centred and able to handle stressors as well as to enhance blood flow to your uterus and ovaries.

  • Stay Warm. From an Eastern Medical perspective, keeping your abdomen warm is key to optimising your fertility. This can be achieved by wearing socks as well as layers of clothing that keep your belly and lower back snug. Another option is using a hot water bottle on your abdomen 15-20 minutes per day.

  • Moxibustion- A traditional tool in Eastern Medicine, gently warming special points on the abdomen and lower legs. We do this by burning an herb called mugwort near the skin. It is helpful for warming the uterus and overall fertility. Your acupuncturist can teach you how to safely perform moxibustion at home and provide you with high quality moxa.

  • Moderate Exercise- Include movement such as brisk walking at least 20-30 minutes per day or incorporate yoga such as this will help improve blood flow that enhances the uterine lining.

If you find yourself contending with a thin uterine lining and/or fertility issues, it can be so overwhelming, isolating and frustrating. You aren’t alone. SO many people are also struggling like you. Working with a registered Acupuncturist and Eastern Medicine practitioner can make the journey much easier, more bearable and more successful. Give Cathy a call at Yin Studio or visit online. I look forward to connecting with you!
